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ROA Barista Home Delivery


We spend our weeks cycling through beautiful Amsterdam delivering your favourite oat m*lk to cafés, bars, offices, boulder gyms, cinemas, and more. So we thought, why not also deliver ROA to your door? That is why we will pilot ROA home deliveries. So order 6 sixpacks and we will deliver them to your door for free!


Home Delivery Amsterdam

If you order a minimum of 6 boxes of 6 litres (36L), we will deliver ROA straight to your door in Amsterdam by electric cargo bike. Depending on where in Amsterdam you live, we deliver Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, or Friday. Luckily you can store ROA unrefrigerated for up to a year, so you don't have to worry about expiration dates!

Prices & payment

6 boxes of 6L: €89.95

(Per box: €14.99)
Delivery: free

More info for cafés?  Get in touch 


Order (minimum 6 boxes)

Which part of Amsterdam?
Delivery day (West & Centrum)
Delivery day? (Zuid, East & Noord)
Select an item (€)

We will be by soon!

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